Greater NY Dinghy
/April 21-22, 2018:
Columbia’s home regatta was jointly hosted with Fordham University. With intermittent gusts of wind on Saturday, sailors got nine races in. On Sunday, the wind died and one race, while canceled midway, was counted.
CUST had a great showing this weekend, with nine sailors over two days competing in two teams. Lions 1 and Lions 2 came within three points of each other at eleventh and twelfth place at the end of the weekend. Thank you to the other teams and to the organizers at Columbia for a great regatta at City Island this weekend!
Lions 1
Division A: Nicole Edwards (CC ’18)/ Mateo Navarro Goldaraz (SEAS ’20)
Division B: Haley Collins (BC ’18)/ Daniel Yang (GS ’18)
Lions 2
Division A: Pierre Casenave-Pere (SEAS ’20)/ Alan Zhang (SEAS ’21)
Division B: Charles Johnson (SEAS ’19)/ Zoe Novello (BC ’21)/ Christina Hill (BC ’19)